Glyburide while pregnant?

JJ • River Henry 5/6/18 and number 2 due in September/October!

Hi all,

I have had a wild ride with GD. I passed the 3 hour at 26 weeks to only later self diagnose randomly by checking my blood sugar on my sister’s glucometer at 29 weeks. I had to argue with my doc for 3 weeks to convince them something was wrong (during that time I started checking four times a day and started a GD diet) finally they reordered a glucose test at 32 weeks which I failed by a long shot.

So now I’ve been monitoring and seeing a dietician. My fasting has stayed high even with diet and exercise.

Today they prescribed me Glyburide. I went to go pick it up and the pharmacist had me consult with her and she proceeded to ask me for 5 minutes why they prescribed me that instead of insulin and it’s not as safe and etc.

So now I dk what to think..? Should I be worried?