
So my man and i started getting hot and heavy and this got a little out of hand about two weeks ago. I never let him have sex with me without a condom before but i let him try it out for a minute or so. After my senses hit me i had him put a condom on. He never even came that night at all. So no cum was inside me what so ever. When i got home i started thinking about pre cum so the next morning i bought some plan b. I took it about 20 hours after the sex. I didn’t have any plan b symptoms at first. Then about a week after i sometimes felt a little nauseous. Then i felt like my nipples were a little sensitive against my shirt. All of these symptoms have gone away since last week. I should be due for my period this Sunday. I also asked him if he had peed earlier that day to clear everything out and he said yes. Would you say with not cumming, peeing so no sperm were left over and plan b i should be okay? Thank you! This was never my intention and it will NEVER happen again trust me.