Could I be pregnant? Am I even ovulating?


So sorry for the long post!!

So a little back story, I've always had pretty regular periods (28-30 day cycles). When we first started TTC I got pregnant after a few cycles with twins, but they were born premature and didn't make it. Five months later, my cycles had evened out and I got pregnant with our rainbow baby.

Fast forward 3 years and we are ready to have another one, but my cycles have been wacky since giving birth (21-40 day cycles over the past 2 years). We haven't used protection in about a year and I have been tracking BBT, but haven't been able to decipher much and we moved this month so I wasn't great about it.

Anyway, I am on day 46 of my cycle with no period in sight so I took a HPT 2 days ago and it was negative. Has anyone had an experience like this? Could I still be pregnant?? Any advice is appreciated!

If you are still reading, thank you!