Could I be pregnant if my period recently ended? Any advice welcome please! Thank you all!!


Hey all, question here.

Could I even POSSIBLY be pregnant? Finding mixed info online I tried to research first, but I've been feeling a little "off" for about a week, and now unwell 2 days, but my period also JUST ended. It was lighter & shorter than usual but doesn't sound like how implantation bleeding is described. It lasted 4 days consistently.

Anyone know what it could be?

Changes/Symptoms over the past week:

•EXTREME fatigue / no motivation at all

•irritable for no good reason

•lack of appetite

alcohol aversion (usually have 1-2 beers nightly)

•trouble falling & staying asleep

•nausea off and on (always fairly mild/no vomiting)

•dizziness upon standing (had this before but its increased)

•mild headache, usually accompanies the nausea

Any thoughts??