I can’t handle the Mirena!!!!

Simone • Mama since Feb 2020 • In love • Dog mum • Australian • 31 • Beautiful daughter plus three angel babies

I feel like it’s destroying me.

I’ve had it in for nearly two months. The pain was really bad for the first 5 weeks and just regular bad after that. I’ve only had 3 days with no pain killers.

It’s great that the pain is subsiding but now I am losing my freaking mind!!!

I am irritable, emotional, anxious, depressed, paranoid, and everything else. It’s awful.

I have made an appointment for next Tuesday to get it taken out because I’m genuinely worried I am going to leave my partner if I keep it in.

He is being so lovely and supportive but I keep getting upset with him over stupid things and questioning our relationship.

I have had negative mental side effects with all forms of birth control (and I’ve pretty much tried them all) and the Mirena was our last option.

I really hate feeling like this.
