He told me “fuck you” 😱🤔

So I was getting to know this dude. I’ve known him for 2 weeks today. We moved way too fast and he really got his feelings involved. I got a reality check and so a week ago I said let’s just be friends. Yesterday he asked me was he the only one I was “conversating” with (I didn’t bother to correct him). I told him no (But the thing is I already told a week ago he wasn’t gonna be the only one I’m talking to, I was honest). Now he said he’s hurt. Now I’m young minded, keep in mind I’m one of the most mature individuals I know. He said that’s why we haven’t been talking so much lately cuz I’m texting other men. But I told him the reason why we don’t talk as much is because of how you’ve been texting me. I text you how you text me. I’m not putting all my energy into something when you’re not (even if it is something as simple as texting). He was like you say you weren’t going to do this to me (I don’t know specifically what he’s talking about, I’ve been 100% straight forward BLUNTLY honest to this man this whole time). He went on his rampage then put this emoji 🖕🏾and then at last he said fuck you.

So I said you’ve been telling me that you miss all the time to now fuck me? I said you’re immature af and you need to grow your sensitive ass up. I’m too good for you (too good of a woman for you) and you don’t know how to treat a woman. Then he said I’ll hit you up when I’m back in town to get my headphones (apparently they were left in my car but I don’t see them). I said no one has ever spoken to me how you spoke to me. Then I blocked him on everything that keeps us in touch and deleted our text messages.

Edit: I just texted him saying this. I don’t feel bad about it. I don’t like conflict so I’m just ending it with a peace of mind. But I am 100% done with him though.

Edit 2: the conversation was straight shit.