Saliva Ovulation Test

Tiffany • 31 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Now forty weeks pregnant with a baby girl with the help of Letrozole aka Femara

* CD 13 (AM) I had what looked like some Transitional ferning (refer to picture above ), which seemed on track since I was also getting a high fertility reading on my Clearblue digital.

* CD 14 (3:30AM) I had some ferning, but the crystals were thick and so made for "chunky fern leaves" and only took up some of the microscope lense. So at this point I had also gotten a very very close positive on my ovulation strip, so again this seemed on track to me. Later that morning after some more sleep I did another saliva test and the crystals were in the same ferning pattern, and looked much more like the ferning in the picture above displaying a fertile result, however it was still only taking up some of the lense. The same day at 1:15pm I took another ovulation strip test that came up very positive.

* CD 15 (today - a.k.a Ovulation day) this morning I took another saliva test and the ferning was just like the last test I took, but the ferning pattern was covering the whole lense. I know that I am definitely about to ovulate at some point today.

Pictures of Ovulation strips for reference:

Just wanted to let everyone know there is another way to track Ovulation.

I hope this helps. Baby Dust ✨✨💫✨✨