Mean girls

Ugh I am having such mean girl problems lately. I am a senior in college and am a captain on a sports team. There are 2 other captains who just treat me awfully. They have walked all over me all year, pushed me around, etc. and whenever I would try to stand up for myself things get worse. We are thankfully almost at the end, but they are now accusing me of things over text message, and point blank ignoring me at practices. They are extremely rude in the way they speak to people and handle things. Many other girls have quit the team this year because of their behavior. I have put up with it but at this point, they’ve completely broken my down. My anxiety and depression has gotten severely worse and I am going to a school counselor because of it. Now I am injured and I can’t even participate so at this point I don’t even know why I’m still a part of the team. I just don’t know what to do. There’s only really 2 and a half weeks left but I’m completely miserable. The other thing is if I quit 1) I will be leaving my roommate with the team to fend for herself, and 2) I would have to pay money to quit. I guess I’m just looking for advice on how to handle it. Yanno everyone says to ignore them and not to worry about it, but I guess I just don’t know how to react when people go out of their way to attack me.