Period after miscarriage

Brittany • Follow me on pinterest: Brittany J Henderson
I found out I was PG Feb 22 via 5 PG home test. Made an appointment with doctor March 13th did ultrasound they had me back March 16th and told me my pregnancy was no longer viable. Went back weekly to check levels they slowly went up. Waited for body to naturally miscarry the baby nothing happened no bleeding nothing! Went and had a dnc April 7th lightly bleed for only 2-3 days after. 2 weeks later my doctor put me on low dose bc. I took 2 full rounds and half of the 3rd. I stopped the bc didn't like how I was or felt. 2 days after I stopped I bleed just a for a little while no real flow. I have been cramping with slight best tenderness. When can I expect my cycle to regulate? We are ready to move on and ttc.