Family issues.. Sorry, long post!

Laura 🇬🇧


So my mum unfortunately passed away last October after a 4 year battle with Breast Cancer. I was devastated, I’m 23 (22 at the time) so I was angry that she was taken away so young (she was only just 47). She was also my best friend, I would go and see her almost everyday at home and spent all night and day in the Hospice with her until the moment she died right next to me. It’s only been 6 months so to me that’s still very raw, I still see her slipping away every time I close my eyes, it has broken me.

I also have a 14 year old sister, and a step dad (who’s the father of my younger sister), my younger sister is also struggling a lot but doesn’t show it. My step dad on the other hand seems to already be moving on, he found a woman who was 20 years younger than my mum. Obviously my younger sister isn’t happy about this, but he doesn’t understand that she doesn’t want another ‘mum’ in her life, she just wants hers. He wanted to know if I was okay with it as he’s been in my life for 17+ years, and I’m not either, it makes me feel like he never cared about my mum and why would he want to move on so quick while we’re all still mourning her loss everyday? I don’t know.. he hasn’t been putting his daughter first, seems to only be thinking about his happiness at the moment and not how she feels, and now they’re not really talking and I’m stuck in the middle 😩 I just cant take it anymore!

Basically, are we just being selfish? Should we let him move on? Or does it seem to soon? All this tension is driving me crazy and my mental health isn’t great as it is 😔