In need of drastic help and motivation 😔

I’m 4’7

115 pounds


And cry whenever I see myself in the mirror

I don’t care about the stretch marks I’ve gained on my butt or tummy but the pouch I have is making me never want to eat

I know the first step is me and I want to be healthy. I want to eat healthy and exercise and set a better example for my son than my parents did for me. Not blaming them entirely but they never really pushed healthy foods or activities. It was always chips and tea and candy with pop tarts and chicken nuggets or Mac n cheese.

But I don’t feel worth it. I don’t know how to change it.

I have back issues due to degenerative disc disease and my joints always hurt in my legs. I feel run down and just disgusted with myself.

How do I start to exercise? Where does one begin? What are realistic expectations?

How do you get motivated?