Grayson Reign is here!!


I ended up having a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks mostly due to being high risk having lupus and antibody E so on Monday April 9th 2018 at 1:45pm Grayson Reign was born at a whopping 9lbs 1oz and 22.75” c section took a little longer due to it being my 3rd son and having scar tissue- he was so big to try and get out they ended up bruising my ribs pushing him out and had to get a little help from a vacuum to help get him out! I am so grateful how healthy is and how well i am recovering! This pregnancy was originally twins and i had a vanishing twin i couldn’t imagine having 2 boys that were 9 lbs lol!! My 9 and 6 year old were so excited to meet there brother!! I am so completely in love all over again - i don’t even mind that i am doing this as a single mom! Was worth every upset, tear, trial and Tribulation !!

Wanted to share with you guys some pics!!

This last one has to be one of my favorites he’s so strong and alert!!