So I needed to vent this because I never really told anyone about the most terrifying part of my life. So I was a junior in high school & had the typical group of friends that i hung out with every day. So one day I got a random message from an account that I wasn’t friends with & they didn’t have a profile picture they asked me for nudes to their email. I brushed it off as like just a random internet troll & didn’t think twice (I was a very popular girl for social media, everyone wanted to be my friend & I had hundreds of guys message me) so I continued my normal life because that wasn’t the weirdest message I’ve received. So the next day he sent me another text message telling me I’m so pretty & he wants to see me naked. & this time I’m like okay dude your fucking weird & still ignored it because I figured it was just a horny troll. But as weeks go on he started messaging me getting very descriptive on what I was wearing that day. Telling me how my ass looked fat in whatever color shorts I was wearing. Or that he liked how my leggings hugged my vagina. & I’m freaking out because like how does this dude know what I’m wearing on these days. So I was literally cry and be scared. I wouldn’t go anywhere but to my best friends house (we all hung out there) so then I started to believe that the person was my best friends boyfriend because he was part of our group of friends. So I started talking to her like GIRL IM SCARED. & I’m like can you help me figure this dude out because I don’t know who it could be. Anyways we sat there & found her boyfriend wasn’t the dude so I’m like someone is really stalking me. Well, time goes by with no creepy message so I get relieved like okay maybe it was just one of them doing a prank. & then he pops back up doing the same stuff and asking if I know who he was. This went on for about a year. & then I found out that it was my best friends uncle who is married to the our other friends mother!!! So I told her & she was like I kinda thought it was him but I didn’t wanna believe it.. so only me & her know, & I stopped going around him. I wanted to tell his wife but I had no strong evidence put he is the only person who was around me every time I got messages. Plus I mean what married women is going to take a young teenager serious? Anyways, rant over. & yes I know now that I should of reported this to someone & it was dangerous for me not too. I was young & scared & couldn’t find comfort in anyone but my best friend & she was just as scared as me. I’m thankful nothing happened to me, & I don’t ever recommend anyone keep something like this a secret because it could get bad. I just needed to get it off my chest because I’m still friends with them & his mother just recently got back with the dude & moved him back in the house so I will no longer be going to that house because I cringe at the thought that someone would think of a child like that. & hearing his mom took back the scumbag made me feel all those feelings again. (They broke up because the relationship wasn’t healthy, fighting, mental abuse, etc) I can’t tell my friend why I won’t go back to his house but I just can’t anymore.