Important info

Hey guys, I am sorry for all of you who have been trying to conceive and keep on having those chemical miscarriage that puts our hopes up and then just kill them after 100 positive tests. So I would say this one thing and I believe it’s extremely important, especially if you are going thru all the losses. I understand some of you might have different opinions about it but I am just giving mine. Have you been tested for clotting disorders? Sometimes women that have multiple miscarriages have underlying clotting issues that can be managed with medication, I am one of them. It's not all women and miscarriages but some doctors don't know to test for them. I was diagnosed with lupus anticoagulant and I am happy I got answers. So good luck to all of you and baby dust ❤️ I really hope you get your answers soon, and make sure to ask your doctor to test you for every little thing.