Just need some advice

Hey girls! So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 2 years and obviously we have gone through our ups and downs. I had a miscarriage which made our relationship stronger (which I thought). So when we 1st met I was not at my best shape I was weighing around 165Ib and I started doing cardio and lost 20Ibs. After the miscarriage I let myself go and went back up to 165Ib so he told me last week that if I didn’t do something about my weight he was going to start loosing physical attraction towards me (I appreciate him being honest but he has gained roughly 60Ibs). He is the type of guy that hates me going out with friends. So today I brought up to him that he loves me but not in love with me.. and he agreed. It took him a year and half to tells me he loves me. I feel at this point he is just comfortable around me. I gave up social media and friends just to please him. He is very judgmental. Am I wasting my time.. or is there still hope...