induction day

At the end of my pregnancy 38+ 4 I developed high blood pressure so my nurse monitored me for a couple of days about 39 w + 2 days now and it's Monday my appt check my blood pressure was going up high in the 150 other arm it's in the 138 so decides to check my cervix I'm at a 3 but my cervix isn't opened so she decides to strip my membrane(11am)& so she schedules my Induction for Tuesday morning. now I'm sleeping because the contractions was hurting I get woken up from my nap by the hospital(8:00). come in tonight instead of tm morning so I go In9(9:00)contractions are getting worst they are getting everything set up nurse decided to check me I'm already in labor I'm at a 5 so I didn't need to be induced so I ask for the epideral(10)I got the epideral about 2 hours later im 8 now about a half hour later she checks me and can see my water bulging im at a (10) so half hour later she checks water still didn't break so she decides to break it now I'm back at 8 half our later she goes to check and she can see the baby's head its time to push I had such a heavy dose of the epideral I couldn't feel nothing no contractions the nurse has to tell me when I had a contraction and within 4 pushes I had my daughter 4-10-18 @ 1:41am