work place affairs

So I wanted to get your guys' opinion on a situation I'm in at work. I have been with my current boyfriend for 2 years and i just started working at this new job in February. I love working here, my bosses (married couple) are great, super laid back, and alot of fun to be around. The wife is currently out of town this week for business so her husband has been here running things. I have never had any problems with the husband and in fact we get along great and click well. On Monday we got drinks (me and him) and hung out and it was a chill time. yesterday we hung out and got some drinks and he was hard core hitting on me. After we left, he texted me saying he wanted to make out with me. I've never been pursued by a boss before and I'm not sure how to handle it. Side note: Him and his wife are known to be swingers and he is 47 and I am 21. He doesn't make me feel uncomfortable or anything I just don't know if it would be wrong of me to flirt with him and take advantage of another guy even being remotely interested in me. Especially since I am in a committed relationship with my boyfriend. But it feels kinda good to be desired. even tho he is my boss and double my age. What are your guys' opinion on the whole situation. Is it weird or is it normal?