Feel like a terrible girlfriend

I feel like a terrible girlfriend this week.

So I’ve hinted at the fact that I don’t want kids, and want to do everything that I can to make sure that I’m not going to end up having any since the start of my relationship with my current boyfriend. Making jokes, and little things like telling silly stories about how bad I am at interacting with kids. I think at one point early on in our relationship he had told me a story about how at one point when he was just a teenager, he was almost a dad. I forgot about that, and when I said today, completely seriously, and in no way vague, that I want to get my tubes tied, he started crying.

Earlier this week, I was talking about how I can’t wait for my dad to get home from school, and how much I love him, and the different things that we do that I’ve missed since he went back to school, I didn’t even think about the fact that my boyfriend lost his dad less than 4 years ago in one of the most tragic ways possible. I felt like the biggest asshole ever.

That’s twice this week that I’ve accidentally made him cry. How can I try and make him feel better, or help him without compromising my ideals and without making it obvious that I have no idea what to do?