Don’t know what to do

I need help so me and my husband have been really rocky for almost two years. It’s our 6 year anniversary the 28th of this month And I’m honestly lost. I love him but I feel he doesn’t love me anymore and he just won’t talk to me he says all I do is bitch and complain even when it’s stuff we need to talk about we have no communication. I ask him many times why he’s changed with me if he’s not happy to tell me. And all he does is shut me out and I’m confused I don’t know what’s going on. There’s been times when we get in arguments and he has left the house and shuts his phone off. And has left to the bar to drink. Yet he gets mad because I question him and says it’s my fault I push him to it. A year and a half ago I went threw his phone and found porn stuff. It hurt me bcs I always thought I was enough and that I was attractive to him. It’s made me really insecure because we hardly ever have sex once a week if I’m lucky And most of the time he just wants head witch makes me feel used I don’t know how to explain it. But like he’s just not into me and doesn’t enjoy sex with me anymore. I’ve tried taking to him and just always blames me. That bcs we always argue. But most of the time the arguments start bcs I want him and he shuts me out says he’s tired always puts excuses. I’m starting to think he might have a problem with porn. I can’t explain why he’s not loving Towards me anymore and doesn’t care about my feelings. When he use to be so different with me. It’s either that or he doesn’t love me anymore or he’s having an Affair? I tried talking with him but he gets defensive and will just blow me off. I don’t know what to do anymore I’m getting tired of it. And I don’t see us getting anywhere and he doesn’t seem to care anymore . It’s hurtful bcs we have 3 girls but I feel like he’s unhappy I don’t know what to think anymore. Today I approached him to have sex and he was giving me attitude telling me to hurry up if I wanted to I told him no never mind and he just said he’s not going to be begging me. When it’s always me approaching him. Help please what should I do. I’m 31 and I feel unattractive maybe he’s just not into me anymore or he found someone else.