Update on how far I am


So my OB appointment was absolutely insane! (4*12*18)The doctor did an internal sonogram then a regular one, then did internal again. He couldn’t find the baby 😢 I was in tears. He told me it was probably a Molar Pregnancy. And that id have to get a dnc done. He sent me downstairs to an actual ultrasound tech, where she performed a regular sonogram. She found what looks to be 3 ovarian cysts. Then she did an internal. After looking for a bit she finally found a sac. It measured 5weeks3days. Anyways, after our almost 4hour doctors appointment, the doctor called me and told me that the tech did see a sac and that I need to get blood work done in the morning to make sure I’m actually pregnant and progressing properly. They wanna make sure I’m not actually 10wks and that the baby stopped growing. So on to Labcorp this morning after I drop my 10yr old off at school. Wish me luck! Anyways, that’s my baby update!!!

(I went to this appointment to figure out how far I was because I missed my last period and then my prior period was only 3 days and very light. So I was unsure how far I actually was)