Starting a new chapter and being optimistic

Darcy • 31 y/o happily married. Can't have a rainbow w/o a lil rain. 💦🌈 😇mom to 2 Angels &1 rainbow due 3/24/16. IUI/ Clomid
Yesterday (fathers day) was my angel baby's due date and it was horribly emotional for me. Never would have thought I wouldn't be pregnant again  by now but funny things is that I woke up this morning relieved,happy, and looking at  onward as starting a new chapter. Ironically I'm starting Clomid today too and hoping that it's the start of my next chapter- being a mommy! Also helps to look at each AF as potentially week 1/day 1 Of a happy and healthy 40wks! So my words of wisdom- be optimistic and think towards the future rather than dwell on the past! Good luck to all!