Umm rude 🙄 *long story*


Went shopping at motherhood maternity yesterday and the sales lady (the only one in the store) (it’s a tiny store) was so rude! Not to mention bad breath that could have killed a mountain goat.

I walk in (with my 2 year old and 4 year old) and the first thing she said is “welcome to motherhood. What’s your due date.” And I was like ummm July 31. And she was like well that can’t be right, are you sure?

The rest of our convo went like this

“Looking for something specific?”

“Well I have a gift card I need to use so I’m just looking but I know I need to get a new bra.”

“Well what size are you”

(*store is very small and at least 4 over shoppers in there*)

“Um, I’m not sure.”

“You don’t know what size bra you wear?”

“Well I haven’t been fitted since I quit nursing about a year ago”

“Ok well let me see”

*proceeds to measure me in front of the whole store right by the registers*

“I’m getting a 34DDD”

“Ooooookay” (does that even exist lol)

*btw I normally wear a 34DD OR 36D but they’re kind of ill fitting*

“Well im wearing a 36D right now and it’s really uncomfortable”

“Here try this *hands me a 36D*”

Fast forward 20 minutes of going back and forth about bra sizes

“Oh btw, the big dressing room in the back has a basket of blocks if you want to drop your kids off back there while you shop”


“You said you are due in may?”

“No, end of July”

“Oh..well someone’s off on counting cause you look like your due in the next month”

“’s my third kid so I guess you just show earlier”

“Yeah, you’re going to get on birth control this time right”


“Well at least this time you’ll get a boy”

“’s not a boy. It’s another girl”


“No, that’s got to be a boy! You’re carrying so low”

“Well I’ve had 3 ultrasounds tell me it’s a girl so...”

“Wow, I bet you’re upset”


“I mean I’m having a healthy baby so no I’m not upset”

*she shrugs it off and walks away*

I shop around for a little bit and make my way to the register


“.....Chandra Ferguson”

“I see you in the system with your old due date. I’ll go ahead and change that to June 1.


Ok whatever”

I check out and leave the store. The whole walk to the car I wonder if it’s worth calling her supervisor and saying something but I decide to let t go and vent on here instead lol.

Here’s some pics of the dress my 4 year old picked out for me lol. I look like raggedy Ann 😂