I am going F!%$ing crazy 😑

Ok so I am FED THE F UP. So please take my anger in this post lightly, I do apologize in advance.

So I have happily breastfed my son now for 14 months but throughout this wonderful experience, he has never wanted to take a bottle of milk. He will take juice and water from a bottle, sippy cup, regular cup, just about anything. But the moment I put breast milk into a bottle, it’s a hard NO from him. I am at my mother f!$€ing witts end 😭 I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO WEAN HIM A BIT!

Everyone told me - your baby won’t starve! Start the weaning process and if he is hungry, he will drink!!! NOT. MY. KID. I have started the weaning process for the past 2 weeks JUST dropping one measly feeding which is his 12:00 feeding before he has lunch. From 7:30 am to 4:30 pm this kid will not take anything.

No cows milk, no milk mixed with water, no breast milk ice cold, no breatmilk medium, no breast milk lightly warmed up. No chocolate milk, no strawberry milk, no vanilla milk, no soy milk, no almond milk, no formula. None of it. Nada. Nilche. Help me holy f