Cannabis vs “FDA approved”


Ok so I’m 18 wks. Every appointment baby has been great, good heartbeat, growing nicely and moving up a storm. (Although I still can’t feel it yet. Or not sure if it was him or just gas) anyways, I’ve been using a dry herb vape this pregnancy . Second time being pregnant , first time using cannabis as an alternative medicine. Basically I don’t like the “smoke “ aspect of it, so I’m getting my weed, grinding it up, and putting it into a dry herb vape and using that way. It’s been great. No smoke, no carcinogens and it’s so much better I’m realizing. And I’m using it like medicine. Only when I need it.

But of course the mom guilt is eating away at me. I’ve done the research, I’ve talked to other moms and it has helped so much. But last night I needed help sleeping and I decided to take a unisom, like all the other judgy moms suggest lol. Here’s the kicker, I woke up

This morning feeling so groggy, loopy and just out of sorts. My 3 year old needed me to wake up with her this morning and I felt so awful. I made her bring her tablet in my bed because I physically couldn’t move. (Husband was at work already) it just blows my mind that this stuff ( and so many other medications) are deemed safe and acceptable because the FDA approves it but strike down any mom down that uses cannabis. Guarantee if I would’ve just vaped last night I would’ve been able to actually be a good mom this morning. Ugh.