I need to interview a teacher


I am not sure where to post this so please don't get upset if it's in the wrong place. I am sorry if it is.

Hello everyone,

I have to do a teacher interview report and am allowed to do it by email. I thought since it was difficult to get teachers to reply back to me, that maybe there are some teachers on here that might answer my interview questions. I really can not complete this assignment without asking a teacher these questions.

I will need the name of the person who answers the interview questions and the grade level you teach.

For a ECE Teacher: What activities do you use in the classroom to promote mathematical concepts and thinking?

For a K-12 teacher: What is the name and features of the math program you use in the classroom? What ways is math promoted at the school you teach?

What are three things you like best about teaching math?

What struggles have you dealt with while teaching math? How do you address those struggles?

What are some ways you interact with each student and the student's family to encourage a positive outlook about mathematics?

What advice would you give me as a pre-service teacher?

I really really really appreciate your help!

Thank you so much!