My May baby is going to be an April baby 😩

Jenn • Wife; Labor & Delivery Nurse; Expecting baby #1 May '18 🤰🏻💖

So, I’ve been in preterm labor since I was 33 weeks, and I’m 37 weeks today with baby #1... We found out at our appt today that I HAVE to have a c-section 😩🤦🏻‍♀️ Baby is still breech and he’s trying to kill me with high BP. My baseline is 90/60 and for the last week he’s had me at 140/90 with a heart rate of 130... So they started me on Atenolol a few days ago. It brought down my HR but my BP is still high. So today they added Hydralazine and wanna see me again on Sunday. If my BP is still not down, they’re cutting him out on Sunday. They would've just sectioned me today, but my doc wants to give him as much time as possible. So we're trying these meds for a couple more days. I definitely won't go past 38 weeks though. If I get to L&D; on Sunday and my BP is lower, then I'll basically be seeing my doc every 2 days to see how it goes. As of right now, the section is tentatively scheduled for next Friday 4/20...

But it COULD be as early as this Sunday, 4/15 😱

On the plus side, I'm super glad because I asked if my husband can still cut the cord, and if I can still do skin-to-skin immediately after he's born. And the doc said yes, as long as the baby's doing okay 😊. So that made me really happy, because that’s very important to me.

Anyways, I guess I’m just nervous because I’ve never had ANY kind of surgery before. And I didn’t see it going down like this. But I’m just glad my little man made it to 37 weeks, and I’m so excited to meet him!! 💙😍

*End rant*