New washing detergent gone WRONG!!!!!!!

Ladies I need your help ASAP!! 😩😩😩

I’ve never been through this before so I’m not sure what other issues this may cause or how to deal with it, whether it be at home or if I have to go to a doctor...

Recently I tried a new strawberry scented detergent and I washed ALOT of clothes, underwear, towels.. THE LOT with it...

At first it was great, smelling good and all....

BUT NOW!!!!!.....NOW I wanna die!!!!!!

I’ve got a light rash on my face... I’ve got rashes on my back (which I think will just go away) but the REAL PROBLEM is.... it’s affected my sensitive area yanooo.... down there... I feel itchy every now and then, I’m sore... I feel swollen inside like I’ve got extra cushioning down there... it doesn’t LOOK too different but I can definitely feel it....

I remember my parents always warning me about how sensitive my skin is when I was a teenager and soaps and detergents are my enemy....

Ladies, please.... what do I do now?! 😭 I don’t have any discharge or if I do then it’s very slight and not alarming... do I have to go to a doctor? Is there something I can do at home or buy? Will it just go away by itself? Would it cause an infection?