stolen angels

Sarah • mama bear bryant

so I was selling a dresser on the app Letgo, long story short gal offers me $15 shows up I felt like she was shady idk I just got that feeling so I wanted her out of my house as fast as possible, so I get her out and she was loading the dresser ,I met her down stairs to get my dolly back ,

this is where it gets dirty ,on my way back up I noticed that my neighbors angels were no longer outside thier door we live in apts, anyways I get back upstairs to my apt and notice my wallet is missing! , run back down stairs hoping to catch at least a license plate number didnt so I knocked on my neighbor's door and asked them hey did you all notice the lady's car by chance, that's when they noticed thier angels missing!!!!!

we just moved here and we have told our daughter since we got here to find the entrance with the angels and that's our building and shes in the right place (shes 5)

I feel horrible this happened as she was there to meet with me to buy my dresser so I offered them the money she gave me for the dresser but they turned it down , is it creepy that I bought them really pretty replacement ones? is that offensive if I just leave the new ones there where thier Angel's were? I couldn't find exact matches but these light up idk if that makes it any better idk is it weird to replace her stolen angels?