Please some advice 😩🙏🏼

So I meet this guy some years ago but we didn’t talk with each other, it was like ok I know you but we have never mantained a conversation with each other in our lives. This year I don’t go to the same class as my best friend (with whom I have go all my life), so when the first day of school came I was a little scared becarse I didn’t get along with the people of my class and others were new in my highschool. And here is were this guy enters, he was in my class and while months were passing we started to get really close at the point in which we meet each other on fridays in his house or in mine to see series or films. Many friends of mine and classmates think that we are dating but we are not.

But the problem is that since people started saying and thinking that he started to act in a strange way, like he is more sweet than normal with me and some times he starts to flirt with me. And I don’t know what to do because I don’ t know if what I feel is just because of our friendship (because we are really close) or because I am falling for him.