Did I do the right thing???? Can someone help??? Please


Okay so I’m 14 and so is one of my close friends. She recently started hanging out with some girls that have always had some issues with me. Mainly because of track season started they are together all the time. Shortly after they started to hang out I noticed a change in her behavior. She was more aggressive towards others including myself. Then one day she told me what she was doing. They influenced her to start drinking and smoking weed...... they did it 2 days every weekend. On Friday and Saturday. They would get absolutely trashed. Well I had enough of it after she came to school with hickeys on her neck. I asked who they were from and she told me that they were from her ex boyfriend. I had talked to her before about it and how she needed to stop but she didn’t listen so I went to a better source. I went to her sister who told me to go to her mom.

Was I wrong for doing that???? I mean I care about her and I don’t want anything bad to happen to her because she was a really good girl who would have never done any of those things if it wasn’t for those girls. Now my whole school hates me because I’m a “snitch”. Does anyone think I did the right thing. Every adult that I told about it said that I did. I asked my teachers if I should have too and they agreed but I just want some more opinions