Anyone else!?

Tiffany • Due to be induced May 30th with our rainbow baby girl Mallory! 🌈💜🎀👶🏻👨‍👩‍👧

I’m 33 weeks pregnant and we just had our last ultrasound from our OBGYN and he told us that our daughter has 1 kidney that could be polycystic kidney. He said everything else was great including the other kidney and not to worry. He is sending us to a specialist just to have it looked at more in depth. Did anyone else’s baby get diagnosed with PKD? What ended up happening. My husband is working today and stupid me freaked myself out by reading something awful on google when both kidneys are affected. Thankfully it’s just the one but now I’m a mess because of what I read.

Well anyway here’s a cute snap of our baby girl.