hospital stay advise


When we had our first daughter (via csection) we had visitors every day. I had people in my room from the moment I was admitted until the nurses told them visiting hours are over. same thing the next day. I even pretended to be asleep so they'll leave. didn't work and I didn't want to be rude.

my parents understand how I feel and respect my decision. my mom is exactly like me and knew I wouldn't like visitors so she and my dad came only once a day for a maximum of 20 min. my mom works at the hospital so she made sure I knew that if I needed her, she'll be there in seconds. I even had friends phone to tell me that they'll come visit once we're settled. I had no such luck with my inlaws. They are there all the time. I know they mean well, but to have a minimum of 6 people in a room with you when you are in severe pain, is enough to make me lose my mind.

I'm going in for c section nr 2 in 11 days as well as a sterilization. This time around, I refuse to have any visitors at least for the first day. c section mommies know how painful it is. all mommies would understand wanting to bond with your newborn as a family. I just want one day. My husband says that it's not fair towards our parents. I told him that only our parents, and no one else, can meet their grandchild the first day.

How do I convey this message to the rest of the family and friends without sounding rude?

also how do I explain to my in laws that they only get about a 30 min visit with their grandchild the first day?

Any advise is highly appreciated and I would love to hear how you handled your hospital stay rules. I can also take it if anyone thinks this is wrong of me, but please give me an explanation if this is how you feel. thanks in advance.