pregnancy scare & s/o wants an abortion

so I recently got the implanon removed after having it for a year because it was making me bleed everyday. I thought it would be no problem I'll just stick to condoms for now. I've been with my boyfriend for 6 months and I've known him for over 2 years so we were both pretty confident that we could be careful and we are always so careful. but I've noticed my period hasn't come back since the last time we had sex but I've been experiencing wierd symptoms that I thought was the lead up to it like really sore breasts and nipples and severe bloating and my appetite has increased tenfold. at first I thought that it was just my hormones settling down from getting off birth control but I spoke to my mum who started to panic a bit saying that she used to get the same when she fell pregnant. so I text my boyfriend because I'm currently out of the country and told him what's going on but not to panic because I haven't taken a test yet and it's so unlikely that I'm pregnant. he started to freak out and told me he's not ready that he would never abandon me but he doesn't want this kid. then he told me that he wants an abortion.even though it's still illegal in our country. I got really upset and told him that although I'm pro choice I could never live with myself if I got an abortion. he apologized but I'm terrified that if it does turn out that I'm pregnant I'm going to end up raising this kid on my own... what do I do?