I just really need to rant..

I just got home from the ER.

Decided to take In my LO Due to fever..

Originally I did NOT plan to take him because I’ve read here and other places mild fever doesn’t really need an ER visit especially when he’s Teething and it’s most likely because of that..

However my mother in law kept insisting I should take him in to be seen because he’s had fever on and off for two days ( goes away with Tylenol, comes back again 5-6 hrs later)

And also because she says her brother passed away when he was young because he got the “fever seizures” I’m not sure what you call them in English sorry.

I told her it was probably due to teething and my son is normal otherwise nothing else no other symptoms but she kept insisting and got into my head and made me become worried so I decided to go in this morning.

My son was SCREAMING/CRYING the entire time.. he wanted to leave, kept pointing towards the exit while crying.

Cried so loud as soon as any nurse/dr touched him or got close to him.

He’s not good with strangers.. or drs office.

They checked him and everything was NORMAL. Dr said it was probably because of teething but wanted a urine test just to be sure there was no infection there..

So they had to draw urine out from him ( stick a needle) you can imagine how much he screamed and cried even more when they did that. I cried with him.

The urine test came back clean as well.

Nothing wrong.

My son still crying and I’m getting DIRTY LOOKS while waiting for the discharge papers from random ppl because he won’t stop no matter how much I tried to calm him because he wanted to leave and wanted me to walk to the exit.

Finally got prescribed TYLENOL/MOTRIN which I was already giving him at home and sent home.

Now we’re finally home my poor LO exhausted from all the crying which I could’ve probably avoided if I would’ve just stuck it out like I wanted to and stayed home and not gone to the ER.

P.s. he has not had a fever while in the ER or after anymore either.

Im tired, angry, and just overwhelmed.

Just really needed to vent.