IUI # 2 was a fail

Robin • 1 👼🏻 ... IUI#1 - IUI #5❌ (all failed) ... IVF cycle 1 (❌) ... IVF cycle 2 (❌)... Next steps : genetic testing and further in depth SA for hubs... then hopefully IVF cycle #3

I’m a little more disappointed that this cycle didn’t work.

10years, 1 miscarriage, I keep praying for my rainbow.

I felt good about this cycle, I decided not to do any opk’s or pregnancy tests (other than test day). So to see that negative this morning, my heart fractured a little more.

So now we wait for AF to show and for the doc to call me hopefully Mon to discuss our next steps.

We knew this wouldn’t be easy to go through. Today is one of the tougher days. We just want to start our family.

I’m going to take tomorrow to be sad and do nothing.

Then I’m going to wait for the doc to call me and see what our options are... <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> #3?