Am I overreacting that I'm leaving the state to get away from him?

We got on in a HUGE argument with my boyfriend. He called me a piece of shit, bitch and stupid cunt. All because I didn't want to use my last 10 to but him beer. He almost hit me when I told him to get the F out of my car and I grabbed his arm to prevent it from getting in my face. When I tried to get my things, he shut the door on me, my arm and tried to  violently shut it on me. His sister and mom pulled him off and starting screaming wtf! Why and I started cry cause it was to much to handle. So I called up my dad in Oregon and I asked how soon would it be okay for us to come up and visit, Wednesday the 24th we are leaving and coming back In a few weeks. Will that give him the message I'm through with him or would it show I'm running away from my problems?  Need advice.