Need help. ASAP

Annaleise • Just a girl, finding her way in the world

So I got in a fight with my boyfriend today here’s the lay down:

We went mini golfing and were having a great time. We were laughing and kissing and just overall happy. So when we left I expected us to have amazing sex and then just lay in each other’s arms and talk about anything and everything, like in the movies you know? I wanted it to be really romantic cause i just felt so in love like I was drowning in it.

Well, he wasn’t in the mood and was partially tired. He slept on the ride there and after he came the first round, he backed off and said he just wanted to cuddling. But cuddling meant he just want to sleep.

Well I wasn’t having it. I was hurt that he didn’t want to continue ( but I was fine. Sex isn’t everything) but more of the fact he just wanted to sleep. I mean we spend a decent amount of time together but it was still our time together, you know? I didn’t just want to waste it sleeping.

So I drove him back to his house and he would tell I was mad. He tried talking to me and I eventually told him that I was just irritated he wanted to sleep. Like I wanted to talk to him and stuff.

He was like well why didn’t you try? And I guess it was for the fact that I didn’t want to put all this effort into trying to talk to him if he was only going to half awake.

I didn’t tell him that and just stayed quiet. He sighed and got out of the car without kissing me but I called him back and we kissed. Then before he left he said these words exactly:

“Are you going to get mad at me every time I go to sleep? I can’t even be tired without you getting mad. You know we spend 1/3 of our time sleeping.” Then he slammed the door and walked away

I immediately bursted into tears and could barely breath. I knew I messed up and I hate leaving things on a bad note. I could barely drive home because I was just sobbing and practically yelling “I’m sorry” to literally no one.

Desperately, after like 30 Minutes I texted him saying I was sorry and trying to explain myself a little.

I felt like it was a mistake though. I should’ve gave him space and I should’ve let him calm down.

My question is, can anyone give me some advice as to try and fix this? Please help a heartbroken girl out.

I feel like my hearts been stabbed a million
