rant here cause I am

Alrighty, I liked a guy, he liked me, we had a thing (where you’re not in a relationship but you both are just testing the waters, flirting tons, hugging in front of everybody, etc. before jumping into the relationship) for around 3 months maybe and towards the end of the “thing” I noticed that he never payed attention to me, never hugged me anymore, and when I would start up a conversation face to face he would hurry it along so he could talk to other friends. What really got on my nerves was that he was hugging girls. A lot on a daily basis and yeah it’s silly of me being dramatic and many of you are currently thinking that he was trying to make me jealous but I asked him about it clearly saying: (I didn’t actually say it this way I just wanna be dramatic) “HEY I dont like you hugging other girls” and he laughed and said they were just friends and bruh friends don’t hug full on body contact and have your legs intertwined but I mean okay. Apart from all of my dramatic ass and the story i have written, i still like the guy I just don’t show it anymore and we’re becoming friends again and i can’t tell him I still like him because i did once and he said “but you cut it off” so I can’t say that but better a friend than no friend and us just pretending to be strangers am i right.

Side note the other day I was flirting with one of his friends that’s cute and the guy I kinda like still tried to flirt with me in front of everyone and i legit said “no that’s okay go away please I don’t want you doing that to me” and i pushed him and i laugh every time I think about that. *Sorry For Misspellings* :)

your turn to rant