Paternity Testing

Ok I have been with my boyfriend since november 2012 and now im pregnant, however he has always said that if he got any girl pregnant he wabted to do a paternity test because a past girlfriend of his lied to him about him being the father... I have been faithful and loyal to him, been there with him through his good times and bad he is the most amazing guy and so sweet and funny. But the fact that he wants to test our son hurts me. If he wants a test then that means he does not trust me at all.... and might seem like he is trying to make up for the past. I am so hurt and mad over this though.. if he needs a paternity test to prove to himself that this is his son means he had no trust in me like the biggest trust of all and why would you stay with someone so long if u didnt trust them?

How do you ladies feel about It?