idk what to do? (friend problem)

Chelsea • 15 - bi - ♊️

Before I start I wanna mention that I’m bisexual and I know my friend likes boys and girls, but idk if she’s bi or pan.


So i’ve been friends with this girl since first grade. She’s okay, she can get a bit loud and clingy but it’s never really posed a problem. She also recently moved to another school. She says we’ve been best friends since first grade but personally I don’t feel that way, since I have had a different best friend since pre-school.

Recently I went to her sister’s birthday party and everything was fine. Except for the fact that she kept glancing over at my phone every time I was texting someone or doing anything, which made me feel anxious.

When everyone at the party was taking a group picture, she grabbed my ass. Multiple times. And I was very uncomfortable with it. I didn’t say anything cause eventually she stopped, but it also brought a really bad flashback to a thing I had with a guy that gave me a lot of anxiety.

I told my mom everything once my friend finally let me be for a few minutes, and she let us leave as soon as we could.

Today I posted on my snapchat story about how I wanted to go bikini shopping with someone (preferably a different friend). She almost immediately responded saying she’d ask her parents. Since I was clearly uncomfortable being around her anytime soon, I made up an excuse like “We just hung out, my parents would say that I just hung out with you and to wait” And she responded with “Never enough”. I was confused so I asked what she meant. She responded “Never enough to hang out too little.” I still was confused but she said “nvm” and we haven’t spoken since.

Firstly, what the heck does she mean? And also, how do I kinda let her know that she hurt me without really saying it? I’m not comfortable telling her the story I had with the guy that gave me anxiety (and still continues to give me anxiety to this day). Plus, she’s going through a lot right now. Help?

Edit: I don’t know if she likes me or not. I have a crush on a different girl right now. I actually told her about said crush at the party and she was telling me stuff like “oh, she has restraining orders against guys in our school!” (keep in mind we’re all freshmen) and I honestly don’t believe her.