Describe your D&C (Cross-Posted for more views)


This is my 3rd loss but the first time I needed a D&C.; I was 12 weeks. This was the first ever procedure that I've ever had and since I was sedated and slept the entire time, I have no idea what happened to me. I remember waking up to choking on a tube coming out of my mouth but that's all I know. My boyfriend waited in the consultation room for 45 minutes so my doctor could talk to him and she never showed up. I've had to go the whole weekend without knowing what the hell happened to me. I don't like it one bit. It's traumatizing to only remember moving over to the operation table, having a mask put on your face and you breathe in twice and you're out. I have no idea what happened to me for an hour of my life.

I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow to talk to her about the procedure but I'm having nightmares and reliving everything that I remember and I just wake up in tears every time.

Can you all tell me what your procedure was like or anything your doctor told you afterwards?