3w old , opinions on night time feedings ?

My daughter is both breast and bottle feed due to low milk supply .

Yesterday my daughters feed intake was up-ed 1/2 oz . So instead of 2 oz every 1 1/2 hours she was eating 2 1/2 - 3 oz every 2 hours . Feed on demand .

However ...

Last night my daughter slept and only woke up about 4 times to feed . 3 of the feedings she only ate 1 - 1 1/2 oz , and one of the feedings she ate about 2 1/2 oz . (She wouldn’t finish the 3 cause she was so zonked tired but she does know how to eat in her sleep so idk if she just wasn’t hungry from eating more during the day)

Today she’s had about 5-6 feedings and has eaten 2 - 2 1/2 oz every 2-4 hours .

She has has 1 dirty diaper today and still plenty of wet ones .

Anyways opinions ? I feel she’s okay . She was born at 8lbs , lowest birth weight was 7lbs 11oz . On Thursday the 12th she was weighed at 9lbs 5oz . She’s been gaining like 1lb a week almost .

I mean she eats well during the day , has good diapers , so I feel that her eating only 1 oz meals at night are okay . She’s still eating regardless if it’s an oz 🤷🏼‍♀️