Anyone else been ttc baby number 2 for a while?

Nicole • Mummy of 3💙💙💗 #4 due October💗

I conceived my son first try. I really didn’t think it would take that long with my second. Last cycle was my 8th month trying. I recently found out I have polysistic ovaries.. however I have regular cycles and I’m ovulating perfectly. So I guess there’s no answers as to why it’s taking a while. And all doctors say is I’ve had one so I can have another 🙄 I feel like I can’t complain as much as everyone else who doesn’t even have one child.. because I have a beautiful perfect 15 month old and I have only been trying for 8 cycles. But its so frustrating. Before I got pregnant the first time I was jealous of everyone who had one baby. And now my heart drops whenever I see people with multiple kids or hear that someone is having another baby. People would probably look at me and think I have no right to complain because I haven’t got issues getting pregnant so I’ve got all the time in the world to wait but I want another baby sooo desperately. I love my son so much but I’m scared I’ll only ever have one child, I want him to be a big brother. I guess I can just rant to everyone in similar situations as me 🤦🏽‍♀️ baby dust to everyone! 👶🏼