Finding the perfect wedding dress while pregnant

Fiancé and I decided to get married sooner than we originally planned, we got engaged in October and found out that in December we were pregnant! So we’ve decided to get married on April 21st this year.. and finding a wedding dress was so disheartening.. we are only doing a small ceremony between our immediate family this year and doing the bigger ceremony and reception next year once I’m not pregnant so I hadn’t planned on wearing the big fancy dress this time around. I went shopping at Ross for a dress and tried on 10 different dresses before one finally fit and it was the ONLY one that fit. I like the dress but hate how my body looks now.. I was only 145 pounds when I found out I was pregnant and now I’m 190.. nothing fits and everything looks horrible on me. I want so badly to look beautiful and elegant on my wedding day but feel like everyone’s going to be checking out my rolls now 😞 I had always said pre-pregnancy how excited I was to look pregnant and have a belly and that, and I was SO wrong. I love my little boy, but hate what he has done to my body 😭 I’m not able to do workouts because I cannot exhaust myself. (I’ve had complications 3 times during my pregnancy and I’m 28 weeks along) and working out or doing anything exerting myself has caused those complications. I just want to go back to my small and curvy body.

Sorry for the rant just needed to vent. 😞