My friends suck

I don’t really want to go in to it but basically all my friends suck right now. It got to the point where I faked sick to come home from school today. I NEVER lie to my parents I never ever thought I would fake sick. (Well, actually I faked cramps and it’s not a full lie because I actually had cramps earlier today). Anyway...the last straw for me was when they all went out for lunch without inviting me and then when they got back asked if another friend could have my spot in science. (I usually sat next to my ‘best friend’ but NOT ANYMORE i guess). I go to a small town and the only other school is religious. I don’t know what to do! I have 2 friends that i’m not mad at and 1 person who i don’t know how to feel about because idk if we’re actually friends or not we’ve never actually talked much. But 1 of them is super popular and never had time for me and the other is always doing extra curricular during lunch! I have friends that are younger than me to hang out with during the weekend but what about at school? I cant be friendless!! Can somebody PLEASE help me!!! If you want the full story, just comment, I’ll write it.