Toddler potty training

Jocelyn💋 • Have a wonderful life that I have to thank the Lord for❤️ have a son and expecting baby girl🌹
I need help! My 2 year old will be 3 in September, he is almost potty trained the only problem is, he won't poop in the potty. What are some ways to get him to take that first poop? I've tried giving him candy after he uses the potty, he don't poop he don't get candy. I've tried bribing him, if he don't poop then he can't play outside with daddy, etc.. I don't know what to do. I don't expect him to potty train in 1 day, but if we don't get past this first poop, I feel like we will never. And I know he's ready, because he hides when he's poops in his diaper, he will tell me he pooped, he will take his diaper off and go pee. He just will not poop! I need advice please. We are expecting a daughter in August and I want him to at least be able to use the potty thru the day.