Coming out.. gone wrong


So I came out to my friends about being bisexual and they were hella supportive right. So I decide that it’s about time I come out to my parents. They’re the parents that want me to be straight and with my race. My friend suggest I tell them at different times because my mom would act differently then my dad. So I ask my mom to come up to my room and I told her and then she started criticizing me and asking where I got this all from. And I had to explain to her one day I looked at a girl found her attractive and then looked at a guy and found him attractive. She still didn’t understand so I had to explain it a different way. She then told me not to tell me dad because he would be so disappointed in me. She said she couldn’t speak for him but then made up my mind ab if I should tell him or not. And she had gotten mad that my friends knew before her and my father but her and my dad are so judgmental with the world. So I don’t know what to do.


My mother also strongly believed that I wanted to fit in with “society” and my friends. I do have a lot of non straight friends but tbh that doesn’t mean much to me. She also thinks I shouldn’t be making this decision until I’m 18 because I haven’t “lived straight” but I’ve been straight for a majority of my life until ab a year ago.