Please pray for my baby girl


My little girl went from the 10th percentile to the 8th percentile in 4 weeks. My ultrasounds have been bumped up to every 2 weeks to monitor the pressure in my uterus. If it increases too much the blood will start flowing away from baby and I’ll be stealing her blood supply😔 if that happens I’ll be sent to L&D; immediately to deliver baby girl no matter how far along I am as it will be safer for her in the world than in me😢. Such hard words for a momma to hear... she’s suppose to be safest in me. We are just praying the pressure doesn’t increase too much and my little rainbow baby will make it full term. I’m not on bed rest yet but we are suppose to be on high alert for signs of preterm labor. I know my little girl is strong and she’ll make it through anything though♥️