Good bye all.

Hello everyone, I just want to say good luck to all. I am going to stop this site. its Been 8 years and no baby. Do to having irregular .... I have officially told my my fiance that I don't think that I may not be able to give him children I have seen a specialist I have been on clomed the: 4 cycle I just can't take the emotional that comes along with not being pregnant getting your hopes up when your not getting your hopes up thinking you're ovulating when you're not I just can't do it anymore but I pray for all of you guys for all of you women that you guys get your bundle of joy and I pray for all of you and I wish you all the best of fiance that I don't think that I may not be able to give him something I have seen a specialist I have been on the coleman before cycle I just can't take the emotional that comes on with not being pregnant getting your hopes up when you're not. Realize ing my honey and I don't have the same value s that i thought we did. God brought him in my life and maybe it was to help me grow. Good by all. If you lady's ever need a massage in the Denver area hit me up it's a great stress relief.