Mirena removal 3/3/18

I had mirena removed on 3/3/18 during removal I was ending my period. Also doctor found that my mirena was coming down so it was close to cervix. So I had to get it removed and didn’t want it anymore.

Since December my periods have been spot on at the end of the month. I have a 28 day cycle and period usually last 4-5 days. After mirena was removed I had light spotting and next day I started to bleed like a period. Meaning I bled from the start of my period which was 3/31/18-3/3/18 and than again 3/4/18-3/16/18 which began heavy and than towards 3/13 they became light. The app says I was fertile 3/9-3/14

I had sex unprotected 3/9 and 3/12

Could I really be fertile now since removal of the mirena? I have heard mix stories. I have 2 girls 7&8 trying for my last child.

Anyone gotten pregnant ASAP after mirena removal?

Symptoms are: peeing a lot, bloated, insomnia, pelvic pain, and back ache